The mission of Denmark-Olar Elementary School is with the belief and support of
its parents and community, to partner together to provide quality instruction and a
rigorous curriculum, in a safe nurturing environment, that will prepare students to
be productive citizens in a global society.
Denmark-Olar Elementary School serves approximately 300 students in grades preK-5.
The teachers and staff are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of our students.
At Denmark-Olar Elementary School, we are a family.
Denmark Olar Elementary School is providing all students the World Class Skills of
the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. In light of the pandemic and projected
student learning loss, our primary focus this year is helping our students to strive
academically and socially / emotionally. We continue to provide quality instruction
and a rigorous curriculum by utilizing best practices to improve instruction: on-going
professional development that focuses on data analysis, research and implementation
of proven instructional strategies, and the engagement of teachers in content knowledge
and pedagogy. Daily intervention time is embedded in the master schedule to ensure
that all student needs are addressed. Even greater now is our students' social-emotional
development. We utilize Leader in Me to help students develop habits that will positively
impact them for a lifetime. These habits focus on personal and interpersonal skills.
Students learn how to effectively express themselves as well as be considerate of the
opinions and feelings of others. They work collaboratively to problem solve, be innovative,
and present their finished products before their peers and broader audiences.